The increasing demand in water resources in the Nile Basin countries requires conserving the current water resources, finding the optimum utilization and the most efficient ways to raise the efficiency of its usage through improving water resources design method and its management for different usages of water.

     The researches play an important role in achieving all these requirements by finding out these methods, transfer technology and global exchange of expertise in this field.

     Another challenge that faces the center is to maintain the sustainability of performance for the various systems of irrigation networks by combating the effects of siltation and weeds without bad influences to the environment.

     The expansion in the area of researches pushed the center to include the following fields in its future plans:

  • Ground water
  • Non Nile surface water
  • Water Supply
  • Sanitary
  • Water and energy;
  • Water and the environment.


The Hydraulics Research Center (HRC - Sudan) is the research arm of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Sudan.

It is located in Wad Medani, Gezira State. It was established by the technical assistance of the UNDP program in 1976 - 1986 to support the development of the water sector in Sudan, with the main mission as “to support decision making of water resources management in Sudan through solution-oriented research”.