On the job training

In the framework of the research project“Africa to Asia and back again: Testing adaptation in FBFS”, and in order to make video documentation for different flood-based farming systems in Sudan as a part of communication component.; number of field visits were conducted to :

Gash Agricultural Scheme (GAS) in Kassala State was conducted on the 17th of August 2016.


Kassala Bridge

The team members who visited GAS were:
  1. Abraham Abhishek – communication expert from MetaMeta Research – Netherlands
  2. Abubaker Saeed – HRC Sudan staff, communication expert
  3. Mohamed A. Mustafa – HRC Sudan, driver

Over three days, many sites have been visited in the scheme such as the off-takes of the canalization system in Kassala block etc … and also many interviews were carried out with officials and farmers to get the full picture about the spate system in GAS, its problems and future perspectives.


Degain Block


Mtatyeb Block – Massga No.1


Khour abuhabil Scheme in North of Kordofan state was conducted on the 7th of January 2017

over three days we visit the main canals system of  Abuhabil Scheme in Alsemih and  Alrahad


                       Main Canal in Alsemih

                     Productivity (Sunflower seeds)

Hod Alselim scheme in Northern state was conducted on the 3th of February 2017

over the long journey which took two days to see what is the system followed in Hod Alselim  and the main productivity

                                   Main canals

            The Gate of Main Canal in Flood Season

                     Productivity (Egyptian Bean)

The main output of this visits is making video under the name “Spate Irrigation In Sudan” the video in two languages the main is in Arabic and a translate to English

On 28th April 2017 Abubaker Saeed attend to intern program held in Netherlands to learn how the made finalize the video and communication skills the program about 2 weeks

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