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Almutaz Abdelkarim Abdelfattah


Expertise: Hydrology, Hydraulics, Modelling, Irrigation, GIS and Remote sensing.




Eng.Almutaz has a broad experience covering the different aspects of water resources and hydraulics engineering.  His main experience has been achieved in the field of hydrology, hydraulics, River Engineering, Irrigation water management and integrated water resources management. He worked as a design Engineer at General Directorate of projects. He gained experience in design of irrigation Projects and hydraulic structures. During his Master at IIT Roorkee (India), he gained theoretical background and practical experience in Modeling of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration using different techniques such as Evolutionary Computations like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). His experience in Evolutionary Computations developed his knowledge in Programming such as FORTRAN, MATLAB and Python. He received a training on Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) from National Institute of Hydrology in India. His experience in hydrology and Hydraulic has developed his skills in hydrological and hydraulic modeling using Models such as HEC-HMS, SWAT and SOBEK. He is also have an experience in Systems Design Techniques, GIS and RS techniques. He worked as a GIS expert in Navigation study for reach Kosti-Khartoum-Berber, He participated as a part of Flood Early Warning Team of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) in 2015 and 2016 flood seasons.

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