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Sarah Seifeldin is a civil engineer who joined the Hydraulic Research Center as an assistant research engineer since 2015.  During her short time at HRC she participated in many projects including: the River Navigation Study for Main Nile (Reach Khartoum-Berber), the research project “Satellite based ICT for Improved Crop Production in the Gezira Irrigation Scheme in Sudan” and the assessment of the impact of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on reservoir sedimentation in Sudan.

Sarah’s interest in solving water related issues using simulation modelling and information technology has driven her to follow a Master program in Water Science and Engineering and specialize in Hydro-informatics/Modelling and Information Systems for Water Management at UNESCO-IHE in Delft, the Netherlands. She graduated in 2017 after conducting her MSc research on flood modelling in Danube Delta, in particular the influence of different Digital Elevation Models (DEM) on Flood Inundation Patterns. During this program she acquired experience in different hydrodynamic modelling approaches, river basin simulation, modelling systems development, decision support systems and GIS applications.

Before joining HRC Sarah worked as an assistant research engineer in the Water Research Center, University of Khartoum where she conducted research on various topics in the water resources field. She was involved in many projects such as: the assessment of GERD impact on the groundwater interconnected to the Blue and Main Nile and updating the water resources of Sudan book in which she had many roles. She coauthored a chapter in this book about Water information Systems which was recently published in 2017.

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