The water management in the Gezira Scheme (GS) is challenged by the immense size of the scheme (0.88 million ha), the extensive canal network (10,000 km), and huge number of water users (136,000). This has directly impacted the performance of the scheme with regard to productivity level (kg/ha and kg/m3).
The level of irrigation services has deteriorated during recent decades. Major policy and institutional changes, and lack of (experienced) irrigation engineers have been reported as key problems, among other factors. Therefore, one of the starting steps is to strengthen the capacity of the institutions and staff responsible for the irrigation water management in the scheme .
21-26 February, 2016
Hydraulic Research Center
Wadmadani – Sudan
Workshop Summary
Gezira Workshop Report
Time table
Day 1 :
Review irrigation problems by operations engineers
Day 2 :
Field Preview of the state of irrigation system in Gezira Scheme
Day 3 :
Global experience in irrigation water management
Day 4
Formulation of Requirements
Day 5
Prioritize of Requirements
Day 6
Final Recommendations