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Introduction :

Inland navigation is a missed potential to provide an eco-nomic and environmental friendly transport method in Su-dan and to neighboring countries. It can substitutes road transport in many parts of the country, in particular during rainy season. The Nile River, traversing Sudan from south to north, provides an important inland river transportation routesystem in particular.


Objective of the the study :

The main objective of this study is to investigate the potential of inland river transportation in Sudan.

 The specific objectives for the two river reaches are :

Khartoum and Barbar line: Identify and mark the best navigation path (30 m width and 3 m depth), Identify and mark the location of obstacles in maps and tables Determine the quantities of rock and sand to be removed along the proposed path.

Khartoum and Kosti line: Identify and mark the best navigation path (30 m width and 3 m depth), Identify and mark the location of obstacles in maps and tables.


Equipment : The Hydraulics Research Center posses state of the art equipment to carry river bathometric surveys, these include: Classical survey equipment: digital leveling instruments, GPS and GPS map Sounder Differential GPS (RTK) Total Station and Echo-sounder Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Survey boats and Digital Theodolites nav3 Scope of the study : The methodology of this study is divided into to three main parts 1-The river survey provides the water depth at the giv-en cross section during the time of the survey only. However, the water depth is needed throughout the year, and for all flow conditions NV4 2-Hydrological was inducted for stations along river system . Example of rating curves is shown in Fig. below NV5 3-Here, a one dimensional model can give an accurate estimate of the water profile, and hence the water depth at all cross sections, and for different flow conditions. The water depths along the Main Nile river in March (lower season) is expected to increase in by 1.5 m after GERD. NV6 NV7 4- Charts and signs are akey output of this project will be detailed The maps will be prepared following standard navigation mapping in use by the Sudan Navigation Co operation, Example of navigation map is below. NV8

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