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Spate Irrigation for Rural Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan


The project Spate Irrigation for Rural Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation (SIREGPA) has started in January 2011 in four countries Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia and Pakistan. It was a four year project. It was funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the leading partner was UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands. The implementing organization in Sudan was the Hydraulic Research Center (HRC) of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity. SIREGPA aimed at improving livelihoods and agricultural productivity in spate irrigation systems in Sudan through different mechanisms namely by formation of communities of practitioners and professionals who are aware of the importance of the irrigation systems’ development. Additionally, SIREGPA focused on conducting applied research to identify and to solve the problems of spate irrigation in the country, with emphasis on the Gash Agricultural Scheme.


The main achievements of the project are:

  • ♣ Strengthening the Sudanese spate irrigation network by issuing newsletters and distributing E-Learning course material to beneficiaries, participation in regional workshops for sharing and exchanging experience in spate irrigation systems, etc…
  • ♣ Solutions oriented researches in areas of morphodynamics of the Gash river, contribution of Water Users Associations in Gash for better water management, economic analyses of the spate irrigation systems, optimal approach for the design and management of on field water distribution structures for a more productive Gash spate irrigated scheme, etc…
  • ♣ Capacity building of considerable number of professionals in spate irrigation systems in addition to training of assisting staff involved in the project.
  • ♣ Project management, organizing workshops, documentation, archiving and financial auditing.
  • ♣ Cooperation with other governmental authorities, project partners and IFAD funded programs.

News Letter

First Issue

Second Issue  






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